Today I began reading a book that has been on my bookshelf for too long – Abraham Joshua Heschel: Essential Writings. Sometimes the right book finds the right time or maybe it is the other way around. Either way, it is exactly what I needed to read today.
Here is one of the sentences that caught my attention.
“[Humanity] will not perish for want of information, but for want of appreciation. What we lack is not a will be believe, but a will to wonder.”
I needed to hear those words today.
I needed the reminder that in the midst of all my lists;
And all the tasks I think I should do;
What is really needed…
What I really needed…
Was to just stop for a moment.
To pause long enough to look around and to take a deep breath;
To wonder at the mystery and beauty of the world around me;
And the mystery and beauty of my own life.