Come, once again, O God.
Meet us this day wherever we are;
Find us on whatever hillside we wait or in whatever wilderness we wander;
Send a star, an angel, the note of a song, the smile of a child, the greeting of a friend…something. Send something or someone to help us find our way back towards that promise for our lives wrapped up in the promise of Christmas.
We pray for the world in which we live.
Those named and unnamed;
Those known to us and those not known to us.
We pray for those in need…may they find healing and hope.
We pray for those who give thanks…may their gratitude deepen their compassion.
We pray for all those who search…may they find their way.
We pray for those who work for peace…may their voices grow until the song of their lives sounds as clearly as the song of that heavenly host of old.
As we make our way towards Christmas, O God…
We offer these our prayers.