The process of trying to understand Tuesday’s election of Donald Trump as President of the United States continues. As does the soul searching of those of us who find his election troubling on many, many levels. While there continues to be much to learn and to understand, this much seems clear. The demographic which elected him was a broad cross section of white America. (A designation many of us need to unpack and better understand.)
Those who voted for Trump did so for a whole range of reasons.
- Being forgotten and ignored by a political process and congress after congress which has been dysfunctional for at least the last eight years.
- Losing jobs that once sustained households and communities. Jobs, that no matter what is promised, are not coming back in the way hoped for or imagined.
- Because of fear of those who look different or who once dared not come out of the closet or whose religious beliefs and practices do not match their own.
- Because their image of a President does not include the possibility of a woman in that role.
There are more reasons, I am sure, but these stand out.
As I struggle to figure out my own what next, here are several small steps to start me on my way.
- I will continue to see and to work towards an understanding of community that looks more and more like the world God has entrusted to our care and keeping.
- I will continue to do my best to understand how racism continues to impact and influence so many structures in our communities and country. And, my role in that. And, our role in that. And, the church’s role in that.
- I will continue to reach out my hand to those whose expression of faith is different than my own. I will continue to try my best to be the Christian I believe God calls me to be, and through the example of my life encourage others to be the best Jew they can be. The best Muslim they can be. The best Buddhist they can be. And, together we will build a better tomorrow.
- I will do my best to model inclusivity with the deep conviction that all…ALL…bear the image and imprint of the Holy.
There will be more to do tomorrow, but today I can begin here.