Somewhere along the way I heard or read that in many ancient languages the word for stranger and the word for enemy were either the same word or shared the same linguistic root. Maybe our language has moved beyond that similarity, but our DNA hasn’t. For some good reasons and for some not so good reasons, we continue to respond to those who appear different or who have different customs with caution and suspicion. And, it is not just us. Not just you and me. They do the very same thing. Holding us at arm’s length. Viewing us with suspicion because we are the ones who appear different.
At some point in our history all of that may have served us well and led to our survival, but I wonder how well it is serving us today. We now live with a tribal mentality in a global cultural, and the clash between the two is like two tectonic plates slamming up against each other. The ground under our feet shakes and long held assumptions are called into question.
The question yet to be decided is which plate will submerge and which one will rise.
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