I went to bed around Midnight last night.
I was “electioned” out and it was clear updated results would be slow in coming.
I was right.
I am (like everyone else) still waiting.
But one thing is clear.
Nearly half of our country voted for Donald Trump.
I understand policy differences and debates.
In healthy organizations and democracies such debates often lead to better outcomes and decisions. But what I don’t understand is how so many can disregard and be silent about the President’s behavior. In one article I read today a person who voted for President Trump said “he understands that Trump rubs some people the wrong way, but that he agrees with his fiscal and deregulation policies which is why he voted for him.”
“He rubs some people the wrong way.”
It is much more than that.
Much worse than that.
His behavior is wrong.
His racism harms a significant portion of the population he has sworn to protect.
His demeaning words and actions harm women who are more than half our population.
His name calling and lies give tacit permission for others to do the same which tears at the fabric of our democracy.
None of that is okay.
None of that is “rubbing others the wrong way.”
All of that is wrong.
If I had done or said what the President has I would have lost my job in a heartbeat.
If you had done or said what the President has you would have lost your job in a heartbeat.
Each of them said this in their own way.
Plato. Lincoln. Ellie Weisel. Einstein. And others.
“The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty of the bad people, but the silence over that of the good people.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.
The silence or made up justification for the harm he has done of those who voted for President Trump may be politically expedient, but it has been morally damaging.
I don’t know how to get from where we are to where I think we should be.
But what the last four years and the last 24 hours have proven to me and to many others is we have a long, long way to go.
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