In our worship this Sunday we will recognize graduating high school seniors. I have known most of those who are graduating for most of their lives. With high school ending and college on the horizon, they step away from here and towards there. In a totally new way we let go of their hand, step back and watch.
Jesus tells a story about a farmer who went out to plant seeds.
Some seed fell on the footpath and was trampled by those who walked along the edge of the field. Some seed fell among the weeds and were smothered by the faster growing weeds. Some seeds were eaten by the birds. But, some seed fell on the field where the soil had been prepared. Those seeds grew producing a plentiful harvest.
I have always liked that story.
Probably because I can relate to the farmer.
For most of my adult life my job has been to sow the seeds I have as carefully and as broadly and as courageously as I can. Sometimes I am privileged to see what happens next. Other times I have to cast my trust on tomorrow.
Back to those who are graduating.
We have done our best to sow the seeds we have.
Now we let go and step back.
Still here, but watching as you move towards there.
Our hope and prayer is this.
May something of the faith and values and vision of who we are find a place in your life as you step towards what which will be.
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