I think I know how they feel.
They look around and what they knew
The work they knew
The community they knew
The way of life they knew
Is slipping away.
No longer there.
Yes, there is new.
But it is different and unfamiliar.
And the cost of letting go of that which defined their lives for so long in order to make space for the new is HARD. We all like progress. It is change we can’t stand.
The intersection of my life with their reality comes as I wrestle with the reality of growing older. What had, at one time come so easily, now requires effort. More often than not I grit my teeth and hang on for dear life. I have not found my way towards that myth of aging gracefully.
Is fear a part of what I am feeling?
Or, anger?
I don’t think so, but I understand how whatever it is I am feeling (I am trying to find the right words.), can come out that way.
As I try to find my way from what was to what will be
What I need is those who will walk with me
Helping me to let go with one hand and reach out with the other.
How can we do that with and for each other?
Robert Farr says
July 30, 2016 at 12:53 amExcellent blog post! Thank you.