The world is full of awful stuff.
I know that.
I read the news. I help to coordinate a safe place to stay for those who, otherwise, might be sleeping outside in one of the worst snowstorms to hit the Northeast. I stand with and pray with folks who walk through what the Bible describes as the valley of the shadow of death. It is far too easy when we stand in those places or read the headlines of what human beings do to each other to begin to believe that it is all…we are all…going to hell in a hand basket.
But, are we really?
Going to hell in a hand basket, that is?
I think not.
Or, maybe more accurately, I chose to believe we are not.
We see what we look for.
So today, I will look for those signs of basic human decency which surround me.
People who are doing what they can to help their neighbors be ready for the approaching storm.
And, the countless women and men who step into the breach to care for those in need whether next door or halfway around the world.
Today, I will look for the goodness.
I will look for the kindness.
I will look for generosity.
And, I will remember to say Thank you.
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