As well as the demons which have haunted my life there have been saints.
Not the kind you see in pictures.
Or in the iconography in churches.
But, the kind who sit next to you on the subway.
Or, who coach your children’s soccer team.
Or, who volunteer at the local food bank.
Saints who are ordinary people.
Who, day-in and day-out
Do what they can and do their part
To make our communities and world better.
Closer to what God intends for us and for all.
Who do what they do because it is the right thing to do.
Their faithful response to the gospel which guides them.
It is saints like this who have picked me up and propped me up.
Who have cast out the demons which have haunted me.
Who have seen in me that which I could not see in myself.
Who have identified gifts.
And nurtured gifts.
And challenged me to dream bigger dreams than I dared to dream before.
All of them have names.
Some I remember.
Others have been forgotten.
Many went unnoticed.
But all continue to surround my life as that great cloud of witnesses.
Today, for all the saints…
To all the saints…
Thank you for saving my life.
Thank you Paul. You inspire us.
We look forward to hear your words of
We are glad we found your site