On Facebook, a friend posted a link to A Year in Pictures by the New York Times.
The desperate plight of refugees.
The destruction in Syria.
A body covered up on the sidewalk.
She added the comment, “Pray for our broken world.”
Yes. Pray.
But, what I wished for as I looked at those pictures was another set of pictures.
A set of pictures entitled A Year of Courage and Hope.
Yes, I need to be reminded of the brokenness in our world and in our lives, but today I need to the reminder that there is also goodness in our world and tremendous courage. I need reminded of the Muslims on the bus who protected their Christian neighbors. I need reminded of all those who face down hatred and bigotry with strength and conviction, but without violence. I need reminded of all those who hand out food and who welcome the stranger and who help educate our children and who practice kindness. Maybe I am just being naive, but I believe there is far more good in the world than hatred and evil. Far more kindness than bigotry. Far more compassion than indifference. I need to see those pictures!
It was Mother Teresa who said,
“We cannot do great things.
We can only do small things with great love.”
For most of us that is true.
So, as we move towards Christmas…
And towards the end of the year…
And towards a new year…
Let us commit to doing whatever small thing we can.
With as much defiant love as we can muster.
And, holding onto hope like our lives depended on it because maybe they do.
Each of us adding what is ours to add to that other set of pictures which shows the world as it is
And how it might yet be.
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