Here is some of what I have been thinking about recently.
I am pretty sure Christianity is not the only way to understand/experience that which we know and name as God. And…I don’t know enough about most of the other ways people understand/experience God to say that my way is the best way or a better way. All I can say is it is my way. And, I think those of us who are Christians worry far too much about Christianity and the future of what we call the church.
Jesus never worried about what we seem so preoccupied about.
Jesus never intended to launch a new religion.
He never intended to create a new institution.
He worried about the people around him and how they were treated and how they treated others. He worried about rules that got in the way of compassion. He worried about those who were so busy or preoccupied that they passed by those in need. He worried that religious leaders had tricked people into believing that God was locked in a temple and only placated by rituals instead of God being present and experienced in the midst and muddle of daily life. He told people to treat others as they would like to be treated. He redefined neighbor to include those who were, too often, considered one of them rather than one of us. He did what he could to heal and to help and to create hope and told us to do the same. That, it seems to me, is what we should be worrying about…if we can live that way and can encourage others to do the same. And, not to spend our time worrying whether or not they are Christian like I am Christian or even whether they are Christian at all.
Maybe what Jesus was trying to do was to make us more human.
And to show us ways to be more humane towards each other.
If I am even close to being right, then we might do well to follow his example.
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