Those who we remember and honor today all have names.
Stephen Ambler
Edward Ball
Ember Alt
John Sweetman
James Kelly, Jr.
Jesse Thomas, Jr.
Alfred Barker
Jennifer Moreno
Bruce Stanley
The names of some of them are engraved on the plaques on the flagpole on this Village Green.
Most are long forgotten.
But, some are remembered still by family and friends.
But, each of them was someone’s son or someone’s daughter.
We have gathered here today to honor their service and to pay our respects.
And we have gathered today to remember…
· How precious and how fragile freedom really is.
· And, the grand vision upon which our country was founded.
· And, to remember, too, the high and heartbreaking cost of war.
And in whatever way we might or are able, we have gathered here today to pray for our country as we rededicate ourselves to being thoughtful and active citizens so that day might come when the dream wrapped up in the words “liberty and justice for all” might come to be not only for us, but for all.
And as we remember those who have fought in the wars our county has fought; the price that was paid and the heartbreak of their families, let us commit ourselves to finding better a way…
So that day might come when fathers no longer die a long way from home.
And mothers will be able return home to watch their children grow up.
And sisters and brothers, sons and daughters will once again know the embrace of their families.
We remember today, because we dare not forget.
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