I think I need to say something like this in our worship service tomorrow.
In 1998, after the news broke about President Clinton’s sexual encounter with his intern, Monica Lewinsky, I stood before you to say President Clinton was wrong. That he had abused his power. And, that if I had done what he had done, I would lose my job and be stripped of my credentials and would never be able to serve as a pastor in a church again.
I was braver than then now.
I have been silent about President Trump.
I disagree with him on a number of his policies.
I disagree with him on the way he views our country.
I get that.
But, where I am most concerned is here.
Like with President Clinton, President Trump has also also abused his power.
In the way he views and has treated women and girls.
In the way he has mocked a disabled reporter.
In the way he talks about people of color whether immigrants or African Americans.
Again, if I had done, what President Trump has said he has done and what others acknowledge he has done, I would lose job and be stripped of my credentials. Depending on what position you hold, the same might be true for you. And, if past actions and attitudes are any predictor of future actions and attitudes, there is cause for concern.
We can disagree and discuss and debate policy.
I am glad to do that and promise I will do my best to listen.
But, I believe the witness of the Bible and the imperative of the Gospel is clear.
We are to care for and to stand with and to be a voice for those who are among the most vulnerable.
Those who are hungry.
Those who are disposed.
Those most easily forgotten and abused.
I pray that I am able to do that.
I pray that we are able to do that.
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