I didn’t use to be a morning person, but now I relish these few minutes of quiet before the world around me catches up and plunges into the activities of the day. For a few minutes there is nothing I have to think about. Nothing I have to do. I can just sit and be still and watch as the sun pushes back the shadows the early morning. I can just sit and listen…both to the world around me and the quietness of my own heart and mind. In these few moments my prayers wander pausing on those whom I love and those for whom I have special concern. Then they return to wrap themselves around my own life seeking to both settle and unsettle me at the very same time.
I remember the council of a friend who was always quick to remind me.
“Today is a day that was not promised to you, but a day so full of promise.”
Today, may I live into that promise.
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