Tomorrow morning in our worship service I am going to play Follow the Leader with the children who are there. We will clap our hands and jump up and down and turn circles and pat our heads. And then, when I have them all wound up, I am going to ask them to sit down and talk with me about what we have done.
Isn’t church at its best…
Or a synagogue or a mosque or a temple for that matter…
A place where we gather to learn to play Follow the Leader?
Where we come to be reminded of our bravest hopes and our best values that are wrapped up in that which we know and name as God?
Values like compassion and kindness and the common good.
Hopes like peace and justice and enough for all.
And then, having been reminded…
Having caught a glimpse of that Dream of God…
Of where God is going and what God is doing…
To walk out the doors
And into the world doing our best to play the game.
Follow the Leader.
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