I went for a walk today
On my favorite dirt road
Following the mountain stream
As it made its way down
From here to there
Eventually to the ocean.
I walked under a canopy of yellow and gold.
Maple trees
And Beech
Showing off their fall colors.
Every once in a while the wind would blow
And the leaves I had been admiring above me a moment before
Would suddenly be dancing around me
Bringing their beauty close enough to touch.
I am deeply aware
Of what a privilege it is
To walk in peace
And to be surrounded by unspeakable beauty.
Philip Franz says
March 7, 2024 at 9:38 amPaul, Thank you for causing me to stop and be aware of my world. The beauty and order that surrounds me! I have been retired 10 years—-What a gift! We hope all is well! Phil