In New York State tomorrow is the vote on school budgets and the election of those who are running to serve on local school boards. Having served on our school board years ago, I have the deepest respect for those who spend money to run and then spend hours and hours and hours of volunteer time to oversee and support and improve local schools. To all those who serve in this way…Thank You.
But, back to divide and conquer.
In this year’s election four people are running for two seats.
Two candidates are current board members who are seeking to be elected again.
Two other candidates are running for the first time.
The robocalls I have received from the two candidates who are running for the first time seek to play off the wealthier parts of our school district against the less wealthy areas.
We pay more in taxes.
They have more students.
The other candidates are from that part of town.
Who is looking out for us?
From what I have read and heard all who are running have the credentials to run, but depending who wins I wonder how the divide and conquer attitude will play out in terms of their being responsible for the education of all of the students and the well being of the entire school district.
I know this is just politics as usual.
Or, at least what has become politics as usual.
It is discouraging enough to see it take place on a national level.
It is that much more discouraging when it tears apart the fabric of the community where I live.
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