And, so it is Christmas.
At least, almost.
And, here we are…
Together in this place.
Gathered with family and friends to sing the carols and to soak in the beauty and for a moment, at least, to allow the light of a candle to be the light which lights our way. Here in this place and on this night maybe you can step aside from the whirlwind rush of the season to be reminded, again, that Christmas is about something more than Santa and reindeer and stockings hung by the chimney with care. And, about something more than gift getting and gift giving and holiday cheer.
I like to believe and I hope it is true…
That we have found our way here because there is something about the story we tell…
The story of a pregnant young woman and a journey to Bethlehem and the birth of a child;
The story about shepherds in the field abiding and angels appearing;
The story about either the wild eyed craziness or absolute wisdom it takes tTo see and then to follow a star.
I like to believe and I hope it is true that all this touches something…
Some hope;
Some dream;
Some deep longing within you;
That turns you, again, in the direction of Bethlehem…wherever Bethlehem might be for you this day.
And, for whatever the reason…
That you want to be here.
Maybe even, need to be here.
So, what can I tell you about Christmas that you don’t already know?
Or don’t already dream about or hope for in the deepest and best part of your being?
- That the brash dream of Peace on Earth is a dream worth holding onto and worth working for in our families and in our communities; To say nothing of our country and our world?
Not just for your sake or my sake, but for all our sakes, as well? - That the promise of a God who comes to mix it up with your life and mine is a game changer?
For now there is something fundamentally holy about our very human lives? Something about who we are and the time we have, even those times when we feel the most ordinary or the time feels like the most routine, which partakes of the Eternal? - That the long arc of history does bend in the direction of justice and hope if we do our part;
Do what we can to bend it in that way?
All this from this simple story of the birth of a child who, later in his life, would remind us that the at the very heart of who we are and how we are to live together are two wonderfully simple and incredibly challenging bits of wisdom.
First, love God.
Second, love your neighbor.
And, all these years later we continue to do our best to figure out what that means when we get up each morning and as we go to bed each night.
And, so it is Christmas.
At least, almost.
So, pay attention.
Hold it close.
Allow it all to sink in.
Because it is Christmas.
At least, almost.
And as you do, here my Christmas wish for you.
- May you recognize the everyday angels who appear who continue to brush up against your life and who wait for you to say your own Yes to that grand dream of God.
- May you catch a glimpse of the stars which still shine in the darkness and which still show the way.
- May you refuse to give up and may you continue to make that long journey in the direction of peace.
- May you recognize the giftedness and the holiness that is a part of your life…and a part of the lives of everyone else whom you see and meet. Never in your life have you met a mere mortal.
- May you make room in your life for the God who comes.
Who comes to be with you and for you, and not just above you. - May you, for a moment, take a deep breath and look around and allow the wonder and the beauty and the mystery of it all to sink deeply into your heart and mind and soul.
And, so it is Christmas.
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