Over Christmas our home was filled.
Four generations under one roof.
A two year old to a 90 year old.
The rest of us fell somewhere in between.
We celebrated Christmas Eve.
Unwrapped gifts on Christmas morning.
And, celebrated three birthdays on Christmas evening.
All wonderful.
And exhausting.
Everyone is home now and our house is quiet.
We have spent the last couple of days picking up and putting away, but the Christmas tree is still up and our Christmas decorations are still in their assigned places.
With Sunday just around the corner, yesterday I finally made it back to my office.
Desk cleared…enough.
Computer on.
Ready to think and write about what comes next.
Wondering and worrying about what the New Year might bring and what that will ask of me.
Of us.
Without giving it much thought, I clicked on the Pandora icon on my computer. I had last listened to it as I was preparing for Christmas Eve and so the station was still set to Christmas music. Rather than seeming out of place because Christmas was past, the music provided a wonderful reminder that Christmas is and of what I believe and value so deeply.
God with us…each and every day.
Angels saying “Fear not.”
And reminding us that the dream of God is peace on earth.
Hope which will not only sustain,
But which will give us the courage to needed for the work in the days ahead.
And, so I will breath it all in just a bit longer and allow it all to sink a bit deeper into my soul and into my life.
Yes, the message of the angels, “fear not” is what we all need to remember so as to shift our focus from our minds to our hearts. I am focused on bringing more joy into my life this coming year. Our minds are like apps on our phones, tools to be used as needed. but it will serve us much better if we learn to live from our heart space. Let love lead the way.
Happy New Year, Paul and Shodie!