Advent, the four Sundays which precede Christmas, officially begins this coming Sunday. It is late this year. Often it begins the Sunday after Thanksgiving. One of our Advent/Christmas traditions is to place candles (electric) in the upstairs windows of our house and in the copula/widows watch on the top of our house. In the historic Village in which we live, the simple candles in the windows of a 150+ year old house looks beautiful. This year I couldn’t wait for this coming Sunday. So yesterday afternoon I pulled down the stairs that lead to the attic and the copula and placed my candles in those highest windows. I will add the other candles this evening. A simple, single light in each window.
Maybe that is the best I can do.
Maybe that is what I am to do.
Place a simple candle in the window of my life.
I cannot completely undo the darkness which seems to press in from all sides.
The “big” darkness.
The myth of redemptive violence.
Or, the more subtle darkness.
I deserve it.
But to find a way each day to add a simple light to whatever window I have or that my life might be.
I can do that.
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