Both yesterday and today…
I had enough food to eat.
I had a roof over my head.
I live in a safe community.
I had meaningful work to do.
For which I am paid.
I am healthy.
I can go to a doctor when I am not.
I have people who care about me.
And, care for me.
I have a coat to put on when it is cold.
And another coat for when it rains.
I have money in my wallet.
And a wallet.
And a credit card.
I can walk out my door and go where I please.
And, return home again.
I can read what I like.
And write what I like.
I can listen to whatever news I like.
Then listen to an opposing point of view.
And make up my own mind.
I can walk into a church.
Or a synagogue.
Or a mosque.
Or a temple.
Or none of the above.
I fall asleep at night in a bed.
I have both a blanket and a pillow.
I dare not forget how privileged I am.
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