What words would we wrap around our prayers this day, O God?
Continued prayers for healing and hope and strength and comfort for all those whose lives have been and are torn apart by violence whether in neighboring towns or a world away?
Yes, O God.
Hear our prayer.
And prayers, too, for those for whom the holidays are more empty than full?
For those who move through these days with a lingering sense of loss and who face an empty place at the table?
Yes, O God.
Hear our prayer.
And, prayers for all those who move through these days with a deep sense of expectation and hope; who catch a glimpse of what you intend for us and for all?
Your grand dream of peace on earth. Good will towards all.
Yes, O God.
Hear our prayer.
And prayers for ourselves?
For wisdom enough to recognize and to name that which is really the most important as we move through these final days towards Christmas and then beyond? For an openness to be caught off guard by wonder and surprised by awe and overcome with an excitement that pushes through our busyness and past our preoccupation? For a sense of gratitude that breaks open our hearts and makes room for another?
Yes, O God.
Hear our prayers.
And, finally this, O God…
Here we are, poised on the edge of another Christmas.
We would pray for peace.
Peace on Earth and peace between and among all Your children.
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