I have no right to speak.
And, even if I did I would not (and do not) know what to say.
Today in Newtown, CT, about 30 minutes from where I live, a young man walked into an elementary school and killed 20 children and 6 adults.
Here I sit safe and sound.
And, as far as I know my children are safe and sound.
I can only feel the edges of their heartbreak that will not heal;
And hear the echos of the inconsolable sobbing for the children and the parents who will not ever come home again.
I have no right to speak.
And, even if I did I would not (and do not) know what to say.
I know better than to ask “Why?”
There is no answer that will make any sense or make things better;
And any answer to that question does not really matter at this point,
But I ask it just the same.
I grieve for them.
I grieve for us.
In the middle of Advent;
With Christmas approaching.
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