One of the luxuries in which I indulge is having Sirius XM radio in our cars. Most of time the radio is tuned to the NPR station, but when I am tired of “talk radio,” even if it is important and/or informative, there are a host of music stations I can listen to without too many commercials or having to search for stations as I drive. Last week, driving home from helping a friend with a project, I tuned the car radio to one of XM’s holiday music stations. Listening to the carols and the familiar music of the season is one of the ways I get my heart and head ready for Christmas. As I listened, this song came on. One of my favorites. One I would listen to several times during Advent and Christmas either sitting by myself in the front room of our home with just the lights from our Christmas tree on or sitting in the candle lit sanctuary of the church. Since I was driving I couldn’t shut my eyes and just listen, but I did turn the volume up and allowed the music and the message and the memories to wash over me.
In the midst of the wonder and stress and joy and sorrow of the season, may you find a moment to sit by yourself and to take a deep breath and allow the mystery and the meaning of God with us to wash over you no matter where you are or how you are just as this song washed over me as I drove home in the dark on that Advent night a week or so ago.
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