So we pray today not with our eyes closed,
But instead with our eyes wide open.
Look around this room.
Space made sacred by the hopes and dreams and prayers of others;
And, now made sacred again by our hopes and our dreams and our prayers.
If you want take the hand of the person next to you.
Allow that hand…
That touch…
To be a very human reminder that we are bound together in our care for each other and our concern for each other and in who we are to each other in the household of God.
And as you look around at each other remember this:
“You have never met a mere mortal.” C.S. Lewis wrote.
No mere mortals here.
Nor perfect people either.
Just you and me…
Each of us and all of us
Very human
Doing our very best to find out way through life as it is for us.
Doing our best to live up to our daily responsibilities
And to hold onto God’s grand dream for us and for all.
And, so it is that we pray, O God…
Linking our lives to Your compassion and Your care.
Remembering all whom we have named and all that we have named:
And so many more and so much more.
Please, O God.
And, Thank you.
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