This moment, O God;
And this prayer
Are not magic.
Not abbra cadabbara or hocus pocus;
Not click your heels three times and make a wish.
Instead this is our honest to goodness best effort;
To join our hearts and to link our lives:
One to another and also to You;
Pulling into this very moment and our very lives:
That life and love and hope and healing and graciousness and gratitude
Which we know in You and through You.
It is our honest to goodness best effort, O God;
To stand in Your presence and to be for one another and with one another
In all of the moments of life as it is.
And, so we pray,
Wrapping Your presence and our prayers around all who find themselves in need.
And, wrapping Your presence and our prayers around that for which we are grateful.
And this one final prayer, O God:
May our lives follow where our prayers first lead.
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