- Thank you for the phone call from a friend whom I deeply respect who urged me to speak up about issues that matters, instead of keeping my head down and hoping for the best.
- Thank you to the two people who graciously responded to my request to help. It is not always easy for me to ask. TheirĀ Yes lifted my spirits.
- Thank you for the spring breeze and temperatures 20 degrees cooler today than the last couple of days which made keeping doors and windows open a delight.
- Thank you to those who give so much of their time and energy to make our communities better and stronger for everyone.
- Thank you that I will go home in a few minutes and there will be food to fix for dinner. That is a privilege which not all enjoy.
- Thank you for my dog who sleeps under my desk until she decides it is time to be petted or time for a walk.
- Thank you for a colleague who speaks to me in Spanish forcing me/encouraging me to concentrate on what he is saying and inch me towards my goal of learning to better understand Spanish.
- Thank you for meaningful work to do…even when I feel swamped by details.
- Thank you for the anticipation of family gathering this weekend. Four generations under our roof and sitting down together to share a meal.
- Thank you for the reminder I saw in a magazine that urged me to take a moment each day to be thankful and which made me wonder if I could list 10 Thank Yous from today.
What would your list of 10 Thank Yous for today include?
A card that sits on my bookcase reads:
If the only prayer we ever say in our lives is “Thank You,” that will be enough.
There are more prayers to whisper and to live,
But for today may my Thank You be enough.
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